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OneNote 突然笔记本里的所有分区消失不见,只显示“此笔记本或分区组中没有打开的分区

OneNote 2021-10-06 09:03:01


从 2017.5.24 开始,在 OneNote 2010 里出现所有共享笔记本(保存在 OneDrive 上的笔记本)的所有分区消失不见了,然后,过段时间,所有分区重新同步了下来。在第二天,或者是关闭 OneNote 2010 后,再打开 OneNote 2010,又重复出现这种情况。所有分区不停的消失,又重新同步下来。不知是何原因?

此笔记本或分区组中没有打开的分区。请单击此处创建新分区。  现象:
现在已经基本确认为 OneDrive 服务器端出现问题。
Microsoft OneDrive
服务器遇到问题。我们正在努力尽快修复此问题,请稍后再试。  原因:
Update 6/15 11AM PDT: doesn't look like they were right about the cause. OneDrive still investigating.

Update 6/13 10:30AM PDT: While the previous error is fixed, error code 0x800701F4 is happening intermittently for many users. The OneDrive team claims this is a "caching error stemming from their previous fix" and should resolve "today" with the deployments. If it doesn't I'll continue to bug them and update here.

The message I see is The Web server is reporting an internal error. If this error persists, contact the server administrator. (Error code: 0x800701F4).

Update 6/9 6PM PDT: According to the OneDrive team they've fixed this issue. Please let me know if it recurs.

OneNote Engineer here: We're aware of this problem and working to get it resolved ASAP. Thanks for letting us know!

6/9: We've narrowed it down to a problem with receiving an updated authentication token from OneDrive. This results in OneNote believing you don't have permission to the sections and removing them from display.

Update 6/8: As mentioned above, if you open the notebook in Edge and restart all processes, OneNote 2010 appears to properly get the auth token and sync properly.

方法 1:
有时候使用“Fix One”工具修复网络问题会有效果 (可能需要重启电脑)。可以试试。

方法 2:
采用脱机方式使用。在共享笔记本同步窗口里,把“只要发生更改就自动同步”改为“脱机工作 - 仅在单击”全部同步”时才进行同步。

方法 3:
也可以升级到 OneNote 2016 或者是 2013,这些版本没有出现这种情况。

标签: oneNote突然笔记本所有分区消失

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